World of Ethereum #4 | Cascade

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A world imagined beyond the candles we all know and recognize from the charts.

What happens during a cascading meltdown? The facility’s glass support floors offer a beautiful bullish perspective on the way up, it allows us to look up into the sky and dream of higher prices.. Yet the opposite is also true: as price falls onto our once so robust support we look down into the abyss. How far do we fall if this floor doesn’t hold?

The crowds are panicked, some buy most sell. Among them we see whales manipulating the markets with their sheer size, shaking the smaller buyers. In their wake we see their Twitter following, going wherever their prophets go.

This artwork has been in the making for a long time, as I waited for the right moment to publish. The second week of May 2022 was that moment.

Donation: 25% will be donated to Ethereum core development via Protocol Guild.

Genesis buyer: ….

Minted: 13th May, 2022

Dimensions: 4000x4000

Filetype: PNG



“Fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Markets melted down in an endless fiery cascade, lighting the Trading Facility a bright red.

The crowds fought and scrambled to sell. Only a few among them courageous enough to buy. Is it too early? Will it hold? Are we too late? Is this going to zero?

Floors considered strong and robust broke with little effort – and with them many a Trader’s mind.

Among the panicked masses giant F.U.D.-class Leviathans entered the Trading Facility, swooping and scooping amidst the madness.
Flocks of followers in their wake, desperately following the false prophecies into the long dark of the Bear.





Throneroom 𝕍